The lady in white


 Is that what we need?
Or do I need you?
Do I need the world?
To help me get through,
Tests and fires, battles and wars
Gestation and birth or journey afar.
I just need  MA,
Who cradled me to be strong,
I shall forgo of any strength
That may come along.
For her assurance on me
Is stronger than the biggest arsenal
That man could ever make.
And that could ever be.


Easwar Arumugam said…
I like this wonderful tribute to Mother. She carries us all through the turbulence of the world. She is indeed the best arsenal men could ever make.
Jenevi said…
Yes I definitely agree.
dr. jyotismita deka said…
It is a wonderful tribute to all the mothers in the world....a mother is actually the one who stands by us even if the whole world goes away.