The lady in white

I cannot tolerate injustice. Why is it always me who is the apple of her eyes?. It was not only me who was at the common room there were others as well. This is for the second time that she pointed me out from the melee. It is always the demerits I get to taste because of my looks. I donot want someone to be head over heels for me but at least one shouldnot be caught for nothing in melee. The "law makers are the law breakers" out here.


Anonymous said…
TimeS Run allaS harSh in cOncussiOn the apple u deScribe made eve to beliVe that she well never tOld but she reached Out fOr it and came 2 knew it had been sOld...... nOt of God's CreatiOnS CuZ They Commited a miStake then juSt belive in urself dear friend